38 weeks (the day our power went out, little did I know it would be out for 6 days!!! I would not have been smiling so big!)
38 weeks and 6 days, so pretty much 39 weeks (this is the day I went for my 39 week doctors appt)
And this is a super sexy picture of me in my hot robe (that I have to wear in my 68 degree home). It doesn't get any hotter than this!!!
Just waiting for this baby to come. No symptoms yet, so it could still be a while. However, the nursery is done, the house is cleaned, the groceries are bought! Now I hope to enjoy one more weekend with just Seth and I and have this baby next week. It is supposed to be so warm here and it would be the perfect weather for having a little baby :) I have a new poll up, so be sure to vote. AND HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!! WOO HOOOOOO!!!
OH and also. . . Monday night, I dropped tea all over my phone and it would not work! I have had this phone for almost 2 years and have never had any problems with it. Then, at probably the worst time in my life so far to break my phone, I did! How was I going to call Seth if I went into labor? How was I going to get everyones numbers to call and tell them we had the baby from a phone that doesnt work??? I finally got it somewhat working, but only if I used it while it was plugged into the wall. The battery would not charge and I thought I was doomed. There are only 3 Alltel stores in Kentucky and needless to say, none of them are near us. Plus, right now we really don't have that kind of extra money to buy a new phone. Even though we have insurance, it is still $50 + and I was sooooooo upset. So, last night I asked God for a miracle. I talked to Him and told Him that we just could not afford a new phone for me and asked Him if He would please miraculously fix my phone. This morning, I woke up and plugged my phone in. . . and guess what??? IT WORKS!!! It charges, the light turns green and it works!!! God heard me and answered my prayer. This might be silly to some of you, but it is just a reminder to me that if God cares about the silly things in my life, like my phone, how much more does he care about the big things in my life??? I had to share that with you all because God is just so good and sometimes all He wants from us is for us to ask for His help :)
goodness - that close and I'd be doing almost anything to get that baby out! Though at the same time I'd treasure those last few moments of belly-hugging :)
And I'm glad your phone works! I hope it will until you're able to get a new one!
You look fantastic! And I had zero warning that I'd be going into labor with Aaric, and then it just happened, on his due date. I had all the pre-labor symptoms with the rest.
With 4 kids, instead of voting, I'll just tell you here -
All of mine have first been taken out of the house around 4-5 days. With the first two, we went out to eat once, and with Mikayla, we had her first pedi appointment on day 5. With the second two, they just had their first pedi appointment around day 4-5. But especially with the last 3, after that first outing, we stayed in a lot.
Gotta love those answered prayers...God is AWESOME!! We had Ty's doctor's appt. two days after we got home from the hospital, so you will probably have to take him out then. And if Seth is like most hubbies I know (or like Josh anyway), he will get cabin fever after a few days and start bugging you to go out. I am super excited to meet Baby Wade! I better be on that list of people to get a call from your now-working phone! :-) You let us know if you need anything at all when you're at the hospital! Since we live so close it would be super-easy for us to run you up anything you need! Enjoy your last days of being a twosome!
You are right Kat, GOD does answer prayers even the small ones. I will be keeping you in my prayers especially during the next few weeks.
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