
Friday, December 28, 2012

Is it really over?

I can't believe Christmas Day has come and gone. Can you?
We traveled to Virginia last week and we are still here, braving this cold weather that we aren't used to and spending time with our family. It's actually been nice to be here, unplugged from regular life for a while. I always seem to think more clearly when I am out of my regular routine. I guess not having to look at piles of laundry, dirty dishes, and wonder what in the world I'm gonna stir together for dinner can be good for a Mama every now and then. I am certainly enjoying myself and my Mama's oh so delicious cereal cookies (actually, I'm eating one right now with my may have butter and sugar in it but it also has cereal and that's enough for me to eat them for breakfast. Muahahaha) and my mother in law and nanny made the best poke cakes. I mean, come on people! I was doing so good with eating better and *almost* fitting into a pair of my pre preggo jeans! My self control at holidays is non-existent. I think it's warranted though, agreed?
So onto the sweet stuff about Christmas. Santa was so good to my babies this year, and even left them a note of which Caleb thought was completely and utterly magical. He also opened up lots of car toys, ABC matching game, puzzles, superhero clothes, and the big shabang (that was 100% his daddy's idea) an iPad with a super shnazzy cover that could withstand a nuclear attack. Baby sister loaded up on lots of teething toys, wooden baubles, sofie the giraffe, chew beads, and some baby dolls. Daddy got a shirt, movies, and a huge book on Thomas Jefferson from Baine's books in historic Appomattox that I picked up on the way to visit my grandparents (pop quiz: why is Appomattox historic??).

I totally loaded up. We weren't suppose to buy each other gifts this year since we bought an iPad. I now know NEVER to believe my husband when he says that. He LIES!!! He bought me some completely amazing riding boots. The REAL thing. Leather, zipper on the back and rubber soles. Absolutely beautiful. I also got some new perfume, Estée Lauder lip gloss and lipstick, and an enamel cast iron pot like The Pioneer Woman's!!! For the first time in like ever, I am excited about cooking something in it!!!

We all spent and got way too much but we really enjoyed each other. We also tried to keep Jesus as the center of our Christmas. I had a talk with Caleb about how Christmas was really all about Jesus's birthday. He agreed that we should make him a birthday cake and the he said, "let's take the cake outside and throw it in the air so Jesus can eat it!!!"

He cracks me up.

I hope your Christmas was a blessed one, filled with lots of laughs and good times with people you love.
Here is to a new year!!! Do you have any resolutions???

1 comment:

  1. Glad ya'll had a wonderful Christmas! We also have an Otterbox-type case on my (Elliots) iPad :) So far it's done it's job well!


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