
Monday, September 10, 2012

Bats in the Air Giveaway

I am very excited to host this giveaway!
My friend, Martha Hamlett, lives in Virginia.  I have known her since I was a little girl and I used to babysit her two very sweet little boys, who have grown up into very handsome boys!
A few years ago, Martha wrote an adorable children's book entitled, "Bats in the Air, Bats in My Hair".

Bats in the Air, Bats in My Hair is a fun, energetic book about Sally's overnight adventure at her Grandmother's house.  She is awakened in the middle of the night by some very creative and comic BATS! In turn, she and her Grandmother have to be creative in getting the bats out of the house.
The book is written in rhyme, so it's a very fun read for children of all ages and perfect for beginner readers!

Take a look at Martha's website and if you aren't the lucky winner, you can purchase your own fun copy here :)

Here are all your options to be entered to win:


  1. We like an out of print book called Panda Cake!

  2. Oh goodness...don't know if I could single out just one. Right off the top of my of my kids' faves when they were little was 'The Curious Little Kitten' & a favorite I remember (which my kids also loved too) is 'Alexander & the Magical Mouse'.


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