
Thursday, March 1, 2012

33 Weeks- Photoshoot

I have missed you all!
We had a very busy weekend traveling up to Virginia to pick up Caleb and spend a little (very little) time with our families.
While we were there, my mom took these pictures of me and I will just treasure them forever.
Some of them are funny and some of them are sweet...with lots of belly hearts :)

I'm so happy to be back.
With a big belly...that's only getting bigger.
Filled with a baby that I am sure is trying to kick and punch his/her way out.
I love those kicks :)


  1. Hey sweet sister in law you are just so stunning! My favorite photos were the on of you swinging around with caleb laughing and the very last one is awesome...your mama sure can take some good photos! :) <3 u

  2. Cute photos! I love the belly heart. For some reason I spaced on it with Piglet. Maybe with baby number 2? lol!

  3. Ohh girl, you are stunning! What fabulous photos too! Can i ask where you got the black-ruffly dress? I need something for my pics in several weeks!
    xoxo, Amy

  4. Great photos!! I love belly hearts. =) This makes me even more excited for my belly photo shoot next weekend!

  5. Beautiful pictures!! Glad you had a wonderful time with your family :)


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