
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

DIY: Candy Heart Door Hanger

Valentine's Day is such a fun holiday. 
 Hearts and pink and red and chocolate and remembering all those that you love. 
 Valentine's Day is so much more than just spending time with your significant other...although I do love that significant other of mine ;)
I think it's a day to love on your main man even more and remember everyone in your life that you love!

I'm in the spirit and if you lived anywhere near my town, you would know that wooden door hangers are the rage.  
Just about every house in my neighborhood has a wooden, polka dotted monogram letter sign, or a big wooden, polka dotted heart. 
 You can order them at tons of gift shops for $40-$50 a pop!  So, if you know me at all, you know that I am definitely not dishing out that much money for something crafty to hang on my door.
My alternative costs about $10 and I love it...and so do my neighbors because it's different from their gift shop versions :)

Here's how you can make your own:
Lowe's and Home Depot both sell 2'x2' pre cut plywood squares for around $5...I grabbed me up one!

Next, I laid out a tarp and pulled out a deep pink spray paint can.
 Nice and pink

 Lightly draw your heart shape onto your board with a pencil, then use a paint pen to paint over your stencil line.

Fill in your heart...I did two coats of white.

Using my white paint pen, I drew some polka dots then used a round foam brush to fill in the dots...the best part is that your dots don't have to be perfectly circle!

I decided I wanted to make this look as much like a candy heart as possible, so I used my ruler and drew "Be Mine" in pencil, then used pink paint and a thin brush to paint over my pencil lines.

I added some hardware and a ribbon to the back...and VOILA!

Will you be mine??? :)

Linking up with:
 Weekend Bloggy Reading


  1. This is so cute!! And looks super easy! Thanks so much for joining us on "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." We loved having you and hope to see you back next Saturday with more great ideas! -The Sisters


You have no idea how much I love to read your comments! Thanks for taking a second and sharing with me :)