
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Winner and Saturday Fave's

Thank you everyone who entered the giveaway!  We had such a GREAT response!!!
The winner of the $25 gift card is #4: Karen who said, 
"I'm new to your blog - but I really enjoy reading it :) I like the minky satin baby blanket - my little gal would LOVE something like that :)"
Congrat's Karen!!! 
 An e-mail has been sent your way :)

Today is Saturday and we are setting up part of the nursery! Exciting and scary at the same time...Caleb is really excited though.  He thinks this baby needs a bed and I'd have to agree.  After we get the baby bed set up, I can start decorating the room.  It will be a little bit challenging since we don't know if we are having a boy or girl but I am sooo up for the decorating challenge!  
Here are some pictures that have inspired me:

With so many amazing nursery ideas, I am completely overwhelmed with what to do!  I do know that I am more than likely going with a blue, green and yellow scheme...besides that, I am up a creek without a paddle!  What are some of your favorite nursery ideas???


  1. I have to say, I'm pretty old school in that I'm partial to really obvious theme nurseries (cowboy, princess, Peter Rabbit, etc.) :) I love what you've got going on here, particularly the pops of bright colors against the pastels. Very nice!

  2. I'm voting something with turquoise. It seems like a great gender-neutral color but is still bright and cheery. I love the first pic but I'm also attracted to soothing neutrals with leaf-green accents. So many options!

  3. ps: I've been away from your blog for a while but I'm sad you no longer have a fabulous, hand-drawn banner. I do love the new look in general but maybe a post with a drawing of pregnant you? hehe

  4. You are brave! I can't wait to find out the sex of our baby. We love football, so if it's a boy, that will be our obvious theme. For gender neutral, I love a Robin's Egg Blue, since it could go either way. That's definitely the wall color choice if we have another girl. My favorite in the pictures is the turquoise crib with the leafy green curtains and chair. It's neutral, but not to the point where it's too pastel-ish or girly if you have a boy. Good luck! I know we can't wait to see what you come up with!

  5. I can't believe I won!! I got the email too :) For our nursery we went with Winnie the Pooh theme because we didn't find out what we were having. Everything is in neutral tones. If I was to do it all over again - I would do greens, yellows and turquoise.


You have no idea how much I love to read your comments! Thanks for taking a second and sharing with me :)