
Friday, January 20, 2012

Mr. & Mrs. Mustache Contest

This week, I added a new couple to my shop...just in time for Valentines!

I think they make a cute couple. 

I decided to do a contest for all my readers.  
The regular price on this mug set is $40 + shipping
However, I have decided to give everyone a chance to get a great price on a pair of these for your Valentine.

Here is how:
1.  Become a follower of my blog
2.  Facebook this link
3.  Tweet about this link...include @PaulaKathlyn so I can see your tweet!
4.  Repin this link on Pinterest
5.  Blog about it! Make sure to include the link back to my blog and etsy shop.
6.  Like The Patriotic Peacock on Facebook.

If you do ONE of the above, email me at for your 10% off code!
If you do TWO of the above, email me at for your 15% off code!
If you do THREE of the above, email me at for your 25% off code!
If you do FOUR of the above, email me at for your 30% off code!
If you do FIVE of the above, email me at for your 40% off code!
If you do SIX of the above, email me at for your 50% off code!

The discount price is only valid on the Mr. & Mrs. Mustache and Lipstick Sets.
You must email me to receive your discount.
Contest closes Tuesday, January 24! 
 Discount codes expire February 14!!
Good luck!!!!


  1. This is a fantastic deal! Thank you so much for doing this!!

  2. Hey hey! I don't know if we need to leave a separate comment for each, but I did the following: 1) follow your blog 2) facebooked the link on my Mississippi Mud page 3) tweeted it 4) repinned on pinterest 5) liked the Patriotic Peacock on facebook via my personal & business page! I'll email you for the discount code :-)


You have no idea how much I love to read your comments! Thanks for taking a second and sharing with me :)