
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dis & Dat

We've been doing a lot of cooking and baking lately.  
Especially since Caleb has his "cook" to put on...aka: apron.
That may be the reason behind our funny little episode this morning.
I woke up at 5am and went to check in on Caleb. 
 Of course he had somehow flipped himself so that his head was at the foot of the bed and all of his covers with bunched up underneath him.
I picked him up and moved him to the right end of the bed and covered him up.  I was getting ready to leave when he rolled over and said, " cook!" 
Then he rolled back over and fell asleep.
Alright son, I'll get right on that.  You know how I love cooking at 5am!
I'm thinking he must have been in mid cooking dream...or he just assumes that is my 24/7 duty.

This kid really puts on for the ril.

Believe it or not, this is his gangster dancing face.  He isn't mad at all.  He was listening to J.Lo's "Get on the Floor" and when the rapping starts, this is his gangster, serious, rapper

This is where my two handsome's chill every night.  Every. Night.
Seth has a thing for laying in the floor to watch TV, always has.  Caleb of course, joins in on this habit and so now it has become the father-son ritual to lay in the floor and watch TV.

I'm working on a piece of furniture for the baby's room and it needed some sanding and painting done to it, so I grabbed Caleb's paints and set him up a little paint area too.  It's so fun seeing how much he  enjoys painting now.  It actually keeps him occupied for longer than 30 seconds...thank goodness.

He's trying not to smile at me...

And to end this completely random post, we have a new favorite movie.
It was his FIRST movie that he saw in the theatre back at the end of summer when we first moved here.
We redbox'ed it on Saturday and this kid has watched it probably 8 times since then.
I have to admit, it's a super cute movie and since someone's birthday is next month, it might just show be at our house for good pretty soon.
 The past few days, I've fed Caleb lunch and then let him watch Pooh before his nap.  It's an hour long which, to me, is the PERFECT length.
 His favorite is Tigger...but he laughs at all of them.
 Enjoying these blissful days now before he grows up too fast and wants nothing to do with Pooh Bear :(
I love this kid.
He keeps saying that the baby will "pop" out in one minute...that's gonna be a mighty long minute buddy.

Happy Thursday everyone!
That's right...that means tomorrow is FRIDAY!
Put your dancing boots on :)


  1. this post is so sweet i have to reshare it! :)

  2. Could he be any cuter!! I adore that pic of them watching tv on the floor!!


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