
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Week Review in Pictures

Our week in pictures!
Last Saturday: We went to see one of our youth group kids at his track meet.  It was warm, beautiful and a lot of fun!  Caleb was mesmerized by the athletes.  

Monday: Dreary day but a good day. 
Headband day because some days I am too lazy to wash my hair.

 Caleb got a good nap in and I sat out on the porch looking at my new shoots in my flower bed, grateful for the first signs of spring and watching the rain.

Caleb got to play in the puddles when he woke up

I also made Caleb a plate...Monday was a pretty fun day

Tuesday: We went to Bible study, out to lunch with our friends (where Caleb knocked over an entire, huge glass of water on the both of us!) and then we went to an FRG meeting.  Seth's captain sent us home with a bag of "Muncho's" because we had never tried them.  Caleb is hooked.

Dr. Seuss' Birthday and Caleb's 2 year old photoshoot

Stopped to look at the pretty trees that are blooming everywhere around here

Play date with Amy and April.
Caleb had such a fun time with his little study buddy.

Seth came home early and crashed on the couch.  Caleb thought he needed a buddy.

Caleb and I headed out early to hit up the consignment sales.  He is so silly.

Then we had lunch and ice cream with our friends.  This is Caleb and his buddy chillin out.

Today is rainy again and we are trying to think of something fun to do!
What did you do this week?


  1. These pictures are absolutely adorable! Don't you just love Instagram? Girl, I'm dying to go to Chill again now that it's warm, I'll have to keep that in mind, I always forget it's there. We have plans to clean up the house and then this evening a birthday date with Jason and then Cherry Cake (it's a Pioneer Woman recipe I'm trying) and icecream with the rest of the family. I hope ya'll have a great day!

  2. great pics! me? i just worked, worked, and worked...ugh. thankful for the weekend. hope yours is going well!

  3. I checked out the consignment sale too! Didnt see anything good though did you? I also found a super awesome antique store called Gina's junk! I thought of you while I was browsing in there! Read about it on my blog, and we should go check it out sometime!

  4. Great photos! And ummm, you made that plate? You are so flipping talented. Seriously. I'd just grab a cute plate from the store for my son and be like, "Okay, buddy, this is yours." And this week... it's been crazy! We're getting ready to move, so lots of running around.


You have no idea how much I love to read your comments! Thanks for taking a second and sharing with me :)