
Sunday, March 27, 2011

A little bit of good ol' talent

I've mentioned before that I graduated from Liberty University- an amazing school in Lynchburg, Virginia...the largest Christian university in America and the best college in the world (although I may be slightly bias)...but seriously if you are trying to find a GREAT school for yourself or your kids or your niece, nephew, cousin or grandma, this is the place to be...not even, fo ril yo....okay I'm ready to move on from raving about Liberty.  Anywho, twice a year they have a huge event they call "Coffeehouse".  Students have the chance to try out for it and if they make it through, they are able to perform their "act" for the event.  It's a talent/variety show of sorts and let me just tell you that some of these students are super duper talented.  Here are two of my favorite videos from this years spring coffeehouse.  Just a couple of fun videos for you on your Sunday afternoon :)

If you don't have time to watch the whole 5 minutes of this one, just fast forward to about the 4 minute mark where it gets really good.

Just a little Sunday check in! I hope your weekend has been fabulous.  Sunday's are always bitter sweet for us because Seth has to go back to work tomorrow, but we still have the day off!  Trying to enjoy our last few hours of laziness :)


  1. My brother in law goes to Liberty, he's been going there for a while now and is staying to get his masters.
    I have only been around the campus a little bit, but it looks like a wonderful school! :)
    I had heard something about coffeehouse from him, and now I know what is was!

  2. that second video was awesome! i love that song :) and it's funny you went to Liberty, one of my very best friends went there and i've been writing a paper all day today about a speech that was delivered at Liberty back in the 80s :)


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