
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday Catch Up and a Coupon!

Good morning bloggettes!  As usual, I am the first one up.  The sun is pretty with a high of 75 degrees here today and the coffee tastes ggggrrrrrrrreat! (Did you hear Tony the Tiger there?)

Thanks to all my beautiful bloggettes who have added their link to the "My Day Friday".  The link is open until tomorrow if anyone else would like to add their face to the mix :)

Today I wanted to offer my lovely readers a coupon just for you all.  It is in effect until tomorrow and it's a 20% off coupon!  The only exclusion would be any requests for custom orders. So go take a look and enjoy the 20% off if you find something you like.  The coupon code is PEACOCK.

I hope you all have a fantabulous Saturday! We are headed to a highschool track meet.  One of the sweet youth group kids sent a text last night to our youth group pastor to be forwarded to me.  It read, "Can you tell Mrs. Kathelyn pole vaulting is at 11?"  All the highschool kids call us Mr. Seth and Mrs. Kathlyn!  AND they say "yes and no mam".  I beg them to stop because it makes me feel so old, but I am living in the deep south afterall :)  

  I am going to leave you with a verse to get your day started on the right foot.  Many of you have heard these verses.  They are referred to as The Fruits of the Spirit. Just a little reminder for all of us, myself included, on what God's presence in our lives will bring:

Galatians 5:22-23 "God's Spirit makes us loving, happy, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, 23gentle, and self-controlled..."

1 comment:

  1. Oooh! I want to go shopping now!

    There's a surprise for you on my blog.


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