
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Even though it isn't sweater weather yet...AND KCWC

***Note:  I am joining the sewing party over at KCWC.  If you wanna join, click the link!

I am bringing back the baby sweater pants!  For all of those who live where it has already gotten chilly enough for sweaters...the babies need some warm fashion too.  When we lived in Kentucky, I really loved dressing Caleb in these pants.  Now that we are in Georgia, I may not get the chance to...maybe by January it will be cold enough for him to sport some rugby sweater pants :)
These are all made from upcycled women's and men's sweaters.  I love transforming one thing into another, and believe me, if you ever try your hand at transforming and recycling, I am pretty sure you will be addicted as well.

Rugby sweater pants/longies (80% wool and perfect for a diaper cover)

Rainbow Sweater Pants...which always seem to sell the fastest.

Speaking of transforming one thing into another...I am thinking of having another blog party all about transforming something.  Whether it be giving it a new coat of paint, adding glitter or totally renovating/transforming an item and then blogging about it.  How many of you have something you would blog about, or something you have already blogged about that you could just add your link to the party?


  1. Those are toooo stinkin cute!!! Love well as transforming stuff...I should be a pro ;) Too bad I don't have one that kids are getting too big too fast!

  2. I looove the pants! I wish the rainbow pants would fit my daughter and I'd snatch them up (she wears 24 month size in pants) or that the argyle ones were newborn size. Oh how I wish I could sew =) They're simply adorable.


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