
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Cowboy up...and other thrifty finds

Eeeeek!  I am so excited about fall for way too many reasons.  Don't you want me to list them?  Of course you do.  Well probably not but this is my blog so I can make lists of anything I want, right?  Right.

Numero Uno: I get my hubby back...for good this time!!!  Which, by the way, is wayyy better than 2 weeks. Plus I caught Caleb waving at a picture of his daddy today so I am pretty sure he is wanting his daddy to come home for good too...bless his little heart.

2:  Football is here...very evident by all of the parents and children with matching jersey's on today.

3: Perfect weather!  Cool enough for a sweater but warm enough that you aren't miserable...and honestly, I just hate a daggone coat.

4.  Fall decorations.  Don't ya just love a good pumpkin spice candle?

and last but not least....

BOOTS!!!  I found these beaut's on a fabulous sale.  They are a brownish grey (even though in the picture they look completely grey), which is great because I can wear them with brown or grey tones.  I will just have to wear them around the house until it gets cold enough outside.  Have you ever been so excited about boots that you just had to wear them, even if it was just around your own house?

Also, when we were visiting our family in Virginia I found some great thrifty finds.
This mirror that I am going to paint some awesome shade of pink, green, or turquoise for $1

A milk glass.  I am not sure if it is vintage or just a replica but I like it no matter and it was $1!

Sooo, how was your football Saturday?  Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!  And thank goodness for a long one :)


  1. Hi!!!! I just LOVE your boots! That's sooo me! I'm wearing boots's finally cool enough to wear them! And...the color of your living room ROCKS! Been actually thinking of adding that color in mine.

    Hope your weekend is fabulous~ Aubrey

  2. J'adore those boots!!! I have a milk glass just like yours. :) I also have no idea if it is *real* or not. ;)


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