
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What to wear....

...when I go pick up my soldier!  I definitely believe that you should be slightly overdressed rather than under dressed.  Maybe I am old fashioned, but I just think that only a dress or skirt would do for going to pick up my soldier from deployment.  I want to look nice and girly.  Sure, jeans are cute but I just don't think they are appropriate for this occasion. I want to run and hug him in a pretty dress.  I already have mine picked out but here are some others that I could definitely see myself in:

P.S.  Check out my new poll!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Surprise Visit

My parents surprised me and Caleb and came to visit us this weekend.  We had fun but boy are we tired!  Caleb is taking a nap as we speak and I am drinking some coffee to try and stay awake until bedtime.  Here are some pictures of the fun we had :)
Caleb loved "Cack Cack's" glasses

Caleb's new face...very unique

This is my typical mom..taking a picture of me walking out of the bathroom trying not to touch the door.

Don't worry...I got her back.

Getting to know Mr. Pemberton. He created the original Coca Cola formula.  Caleb isn't a huge fan.

Hitchin a ride on the railway

Eating at "The Black Cow" with KK and Cack Cack

Mommy baby love

Grumps and Grumpy

Our best attempt at taking our own family picture...very funny to see my mom running across the park to make it in time for the picture...but we won't tell her that ;-)

Monday, September 27, 2010


As determined by the winner of the address labels is.....

aehrhart said...

I love the "Personalized Return Address Labels with initial"...great Etsy store!


Thanks for playing everyone! I hope your Monday was fabulous :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Marriage Worth Fighting For

A military friend of mine sent a book in the mail to me called "Faith Deployed" shortly after Seth left.  It is a great devotional directed toward military spouses and not just for families who are going through a deployment.  The great thing about this book is that although it is directed toward military, it could be for anyone.  Just simply swap the military scenario for yours.  I read this excerpt today and I thought it was worth sharing with you all.  In a society where 50% of first marriages end in divorce, 67% of second and 74% of third, I think it is important to remember that marriage is worth fighting for. 
So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.
Matthew 19:6

 Tonight I lay in bed awake for a long time. I listened to my husband’s sweet, rhythmic breathing as he slept beside me, and tried to imagine what life would be like without him there.
Earlier, I’d received news that some old friends of ours had divorced. This was a lovely family so similar to ours in many ways: my friend’s husband attended the Air Force Academy along with mine, we were stationed at the same base, our husbands were in the same squadron and flew the same plane, we started having babies together and attended the same social functions. So, when the news came that this couple was now divorced and he already remarried, leaving two scarred young children in the wake, my heart broke. I wept over a world gone wrong, Satan’s victories at the very core of God’s army—breaking apart the family.
The news was freshly poignant to me as David and I had recently experienced a significant fight in which tempers flared. In a moment of despair, I asked him, “Do you really think we’ll make it?”  Later, he prayed with me that I would see our marriage as worth fighting for. That really resonated with my heart.
What caused this beautiful family to break up?  While I certainly don’t know all the details, I consider this question quite stridently with the humbling realization that it could have just as easily been us. “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!” (1 Corinthians 10:12).
We know God desires marriages to be healthy and whole. “’I hate divorce,’ says the LORD Almighty. ‘…So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith’” (Malachi 2:16-17 NIV). But lest we think we are immune because we’re Christians, let’s consider the evidence: Over half of marriages in the United States end in divorce, and the rate among “Christian” marriages is no better. Some good friends of ours serve with Campus Crusade’s Military Ministry. Their entire ministry is based on defending the military marriage. With staggering rates of troubled marriage and divorce in the military, exacerbated by deployment and war, they fight to keep these marriages together – for God’s glory.
Relationships are hard, and in my own power, my marriage is surely on sandy ground. My own sinfulness will too often prevail when I rely on my strength.  Yet, I have a powerful One who intercedes on my behalf when I am weak. He specializes in resurrecting that which would otherwise be dead. What assurance returned as I pondered the words of John Newton at age 82, soon to see Jesus face to face. The author of the famous hymn “Amazing Grace,” was once a slave trader, then a sinner saved by grace and later a powerful preacher: “My memory is nearly gone; but I remember two things: That I am a great sinner, and that Christ is a great Savior.” 
 Do I have a prideful attitude about marriage and think that mine would never fail?
What am I doing to proactively protect my marriage now?

 Lord Jesus, You created marriage for our good and Your glory. However, we live in a fallen world, and marriage is one of the most attacked institutions of our faith. Give us your supernatural strength and grace to bind us together forever. Help me to be the kind of wife who fights fiercely for her marriage. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
For more excerpts from Faith Deployedclick here. To purchase the book, visit thebookstore.
To join the Faith Deployed Facebook group, click here.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

KCWC Day #2- First Day of FALL and FOOD!!!

Oh this is a crazy post full of a little of everything.
First of all, I am participating in Kids Clothes Week Challenge where you sew kids clothes for an hour each day.  Here is what I worked on yesterday:

Felt flowers onesie...also could be for any Gator fans out there.  

Same thing in fall or Virginia Tech colors.

Infant-Youth hat with white felt flowers

Today is also the first day of fall!  How exciting?  Except the fact that I totally have a sundress on.
I am completely inspired by these fall decorations.  I can't wait to go grab a few pumpkins and decorate them and hopefully decorate the front porch in time for Seth to get home...unfortunately I am not allowed to tell you when he's coming home for obvious safety reasons.  So pretty much I will just let you know when he is home.

Better Homes and Gardens

Better Homes and Gardens

Better Homes and Gardens

Better Homes and Gardens

Speaking of Seth coming home.  I am not the best cook in the world.  I love baking but cooking is not my forte.  Therefore, I need your help!  Since I will have to start cooking again when Seth gets home, I am on the hunt for some great, yummy, easy and healthy recipes.  If you have any would you care to share?  I bought a new cookbook that I am excited about so hopefully between your suggestions and my new cookbook, I can get a pretty big collection of yummy dinner ideas!  Thanks in advance :)

 Happy Fall Yall!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Even though it isn't sweater weather yet...AND KCWC

***Note:  I am joining the sewing party over at KCWC.  If you wanna join, click the link!

I am bringing back the baby sweater pants!  For all of those who live where it has already gotten chilly enough for sweaters...the babies need some warm fashion too.  When we lived in Kentucky, I really loved dressing Caleb in these pants.  Now that we are in Georgia, I may not get the chance to...maybe by January it will be cold enough for him to sport some rugby sweater pants :)
These are all made from upcycled women's and men's sweaters.  I love transforming one thing into another, and believe me, if you ever try your hand at transforming and recycling, I am pretty sure you will be addicted as well.

Rugby sweater pants/longies (80% wool and perfect for a diaper cover)

Rainbow Sweater Pants...which always seem to sell the fastest.

Speaking of transforming one thing into another...I am thinking of having another blog party all about transforming something.  Whether it be giving it a new coat of paint, adding glitter or totally renovating/transforming an item and then blogging about it.  How many of you have something you would blog about, or something you have already blogged about that you could just add your link to the party?

Monday, September 20, 2010

First Day of School

My little sweetie bear started going to "Mommy's Morning Out" two mornings a week.  He absolutely LOVES it.  We decided to start doing this because I am (fingers crossed*) going to get my real estate license and I found it almost impossible to work on the class while I am at home.  So it's a win win.  Caleb gets to go have fun with his new friends, new toys and teachers that just eat him up, and I get to spend two mornings a week at the coffee shop working on my license.  I do miss the little guy though.  Here are pictures from his first day...that's his lunchbox and since then he has also gotten a super snazzy Dr. Seuss "pack pack".  Oh I love this little guy!

and the "pack pack"

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Yummy Goodness

For those of you who follow me on twitter, you know that my little man has been fighting an ear infection on top of suffering through an 18 month molar cutting through.  Poor little guy has been pitiful.  We made a trip to the doctor and got him some medicine and he seems to be doing a lot better, thank goodness.  I decided to make him his favorite lunch today, in hopes that he would eat some of it...and it is a hit!  He is sitting in his highchair, eating mac n cheese and watching Mickey Mouse clubhouse.
I am not a huge macaroni and cheese fan but I have invented my own recipe (of which took several tries to perfect!) and I will actually eat some with Caleb.  The best part about it is that is is a very healthy mac n cheese recipe.
I started out by borrowing "Deceptively Delicious" from a friend of mine.  I really love the first part of the cookbook that shows you how to make vegetable purees.  I wanted to make the mac and cheese recipe but after looking at all the ingredients and the way it says to prepare everything, I decided just to use the vege puree and come up with my own recipe.  So here it is...and it is good (if I might say so myself) :)

1/2-3/4 box of whole wheat pasta
1 1/2 C. cheese (I use cheddar)
1 summer squash
1 carrot
2 Tbl. butter
3/4 C of milk
1/4 C. Milled flaxseed (optional, but very good for you!)

Cook and drain pasta.
Cut carrot and squash into small pieces and steam.  If you don't have a steamer, you can use a pot and put a small amount of water in them bottom.  Allow the water to boil, put your veggies in and cover.  This will take about 8-10 minutes to steam and make sure you keep an eye on it because if the water all evaporates, your veggies WILL burn (I know this first hand.)
Puree veggies with a food processor or blender.
Add all of the above ingredients to the cooked pasta, cooking on low until all the butter and cheese has completely melted.
Ta Da! Mac N Cheese is done!  It is super easy, full of vitamins and it makes for a very creamy, rich macaroni and cheese.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Giveaway Friday! Personalized Initial Labels

I think it is so classy to send a sweet thank you note with a chic return address label on it.  Sure, you could handwrite it...but how fun is that?  Wouldn't you much rather stick one of these beaut's on there?  I would.

Tinkled Pink Paper Ink is offering one of you the chance to win these pretty personalized return address labels.

To win, all you need to do is visit her shop and come back to tell us your favorite item!
For an additional entry, become a follower of my blog :)
Happy weekend everyone!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

In between

Right now is a confusing time for fashion in Georgia.  It seems like we should be dressing "fallish" but it definitely does not feel like it.  We still have 90 degree temperatures down here!  Although the mornings and evenings are a lot cooler than the typical summer days offered us.  When it comes to my wardrobe, I feel stuck.  I decided to visit polyvore and create a couple of outfits that I thought were perfect for that "in between summer and fall" phase.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Peacock Blue Fall Wreath

Okay, I can't just be normal and go out and buy the leaf wreath at Hobby Lobby, even though I really think they are fall and festive...I just can't bring myself to buy one when there are sooo many cute ones to be made!
Here is my twist on a fall wreath (hello? I had to incorporate turquoise in there somewhere).

Wanna buy it? Click here :)

I also love my friends patriotic wreath that she made.  I am contemplating making one similiar for when Seth comes home.  Very cute though!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Not about me

Sometimes I forget why I am on this planet.  It was great to have a reminder today though.
I really do love meeting new people, getting a great outfit, surfing the internet for a good bargain or perusing Anthropologie, finding great shoes and jewelry (especially big, dangly earrings), crafting, sewing, coffee, going to lunch with friends, my husband!!!, my sweet baby boy!!!, and the list could go on and on and on.
But do you know what?  None of those things are the reason why I am here, on this earth.  You see the real reason I am here is to tell other people about God and His love for us.  He sent His Son to die on a cross so that we would be able to live forever with Him.  I look at my sweet sweet little baby boy and I just love him to pieces.  I have tried to imagine putting myself in God's shoes for just a moment.  What if I had to allow Caleb to be murdered, hung on a cross while people made fun of him?  What's even worse is what if he was killed in the place of a thief, a liar, or murderer?  My sweet innocent son, killed in the place of every person that had ever sinned.
That is exactly what God allowed Jesus to do for all of us.  No one is perfect, but God loves us anyways.  He loves us on the days that we have ignored Him, He loves us when we live a life that doesn't honor Him.  
Jesus died for each of matter what we have done and what we will do.
If you have never experienced the peace and the joy that Christ brings, it is available to each and every one of us.  If you aren't sure where you will go when you die, Christ is begging you to accept His free gift of salvation so that you can come and live with Him in Heaven forever.
If you aren't sure today about your future, all God asks of us is to believe that He is the one true God and that He sent His Son to die for all of our sins.  If you will just ask Him to forgive you of your sins and come into your life so that you can spend forever with Him, He will forever be in your heart and in your life.  Once you accept Christ as your personal Savior, there is no way you can ever lose that gift of salvation.  He knows that we are human and that we are going to make mistakes for the rest of our lives.  He loves us anyways.  All He wants from us is for us to try our very best to live a life that honors and pleases Him and to share His love with other people so that they too can know the joy and the peace that He brings.
God wants us to have fun and enjoy this world that He created...and as my friends here would say, I am sure that He enjoys smiling with us when we find a great pair of shoes.  God loves to see His children happy, He truly does but I am also grateful for the reminder today from my pastor that this life isn't all about me.  Rather, it is about sharing HIS love with those around us.
I am so thankful for a Savior that loves me everyday no matter how badly I hurt Him.  He forgives us infinitely and His love for us is more than anything we could ever fathom.
These are the lyrics and the video from a song I like to sing in church...when I think about every word of this song, I just sit and cry...Christ really does love us this much.

How deep the Father's love for us,
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure

How great the pain of searing loss,
The Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the chosen One,
Bring many sons to glory

Behold the Man upon a cross,
My sin upon His shoulders
Ashamed I hear my mocing voice,
Call out among the scoffers

It was my sin that helf Him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I knoww that it is finished

I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast inJesus Christ
His death and resurrection

Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom

Friday, September 10, 2010

Fall Luv Blog Party!!!

It is by no means sweater, hot chocolate, boot weather down here in south Georgia...but a girl can still have some fav's.  This is my  first blog party ever and I am so excited about it.  The theme is "Fall Favorite's".  It is very simple. All you have to do is create a post about your favorite things about fall.  Anything from football games to chili.  I have added Mcklinky to the bottom of this post.  It is pretty self explanatory.  Just remember, when you are adding your link to your blog, link back to the actual blog post, not just the general blog address.  I hope you guys will join me for a blog party!  Have fun visiting around to others links as well.  It's a great way to meet new bloggy friends and find new followers.  You may also put my link to the blog part on your blog, but you don't have to. Please email me or leave a comment if you have any questions.  Can't wait to see what your favorite things about fall are! Here are a few of mine:
Warm sweaters

and sweater dresses

Homemade stovetop potpourri:
Recipe here


Taco chili:

Pumpkin Spice Lattes

Pretty Autumn Wreaths

Plus Halloween, Thanksgiving, and a million other things!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Garland Giveaway Winners!

The two fortunate winners are:
aehrhart who said: " Love the 2nd garland! And Oct, Nov, and Dec. are my favorite 3 months of the year!"
JG who said: "And I follow, of course! :)"

Email me with your mailing address and your number one choice.  First come first serve :)

Thanks for entering everyone!!!

Maybe this will help

 I have got to be the worlds worst organizer, planner and any other "er" that is associated with the two.  Whenever I try to clean the house, I get overwhelmed by the time I finish the first room and I give up.  Cleaning the entire house is such a big task to do all at once, at least for me.  In my attempt to help myself out with cleaning my house, I broke down the main chores and gave each chore an assigned day.  Kinda like I would for my child...except I am making it for myself (how sad is that???)  Here's to seeing if this works!  Anyone wanna try with me?  Maybe we can keep each other accountable?!?

My list:

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Thrifty Summer Finds Round-Up!

Hey Yall...I am linking up from The Lettered Cottage and seriously, if you haven't flipped through that blog you are missing out.  The theme of this link up is summer thrift finds.  I started looking around my house and realized that I have a TON!  So, I picked out my favorites.  Here goes:

Vintage replica cover art, a painted jewelry box, a vintage glass wine container (I think?), a contemporary white vase and a vintage styled milk glass.

The vintage, 1970's oversized fork and spoon that I painted white.  They hang on either side of my kitchen window and I lurv em.

Corner bookshelf that I painted blue with vintage milk glass on the shelves.

Old shutter that I painted white and added a stencil design.

Vintage wicker sidetables that were spray painted white...hmmm I am seeing the correlation between my thrifted items and a can of spray paint.

The box/shelf that was spray painted turquoise.

I LOVE thrifting!!!  The Lettered Cottage is having a yard sale in Birmingham this weekend.  It is two hours away from me and I am sooo tempted to go.  Who wants to come with me?  It would be SO fun!