
Friday, August 20, 2010

Stopping By

Hello!  Wow, I have missed blogging.  Seth has already made it back to Iraq, but we had a fantabulous R&R.  Now Caleb and I are in Virginia visiting family for a little while.  Here is a little catch up via pictures :)  Miss you guys!

Caleb watching daddy shave for the first time.  I love this picture.

Date Night!!!

One of the thousands of tantrums Caleb has decided he likes to throw.  So. Much. Fun.

Bowling with our awesome Sunday school class

Playing baby and mommy with Cam.

Chocolate ice cream at La Villa!

All this visiting and traveling makes for a very sleepy baby :)


  1. I'm glad you had a great R&R with Seth! Those times are very special. Hope you have a great trip to Virginia. Bring the cooler air back with you, please? :)

  2. I miss you too! :) We were so bummed we missed seeing you and Seth at church. But it sounded like you guys had a great time together!


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