
Friday, June 11, 2010

Turquoise Giveaways- Day #3!!!

I am very excited about today's giveaways.  For all of you bloggers out there, I think you will be as well.  Today is a blogger themed giveaway day featuring 2 custom blog headers and one custom blog button.  3 different people will win these prizes.

The first blog header comes from bearcengic

It is a beautiful turquoise banner with a fleur de lis and polka dots.  The winner will be able to work with bearcengic to customize this header to fit the name of their blog!  This is a wonderful way to beautify your blog.  Take a look at her shop to see all the other great headers and blog accessories she has to offer.

The second blog header comes from JacqandMal

She has a few different designs for the winner to choose from...and they are all so cute!  She will also work with the winner to create a beautiful, custom blog header.

The third giveaway item is a custom blog button from KMarshPhotos.  This is great for sharing your blog with others and a perfect way to spruce up the look of you blog and make it more personal.  You can also use this button as a logo for your shop, business or just about anything else.  KMarshPhotos shop is stocked full of super cute items to make your blog super classy!
To enter this giveaway:
Visit the shops and tell us your favorite item(s) from each.

For additional entries:
1.Become a follower of this blog
2. Retweet this post by clicking the "tweet" button

Winner will be chosen at the end of Turquoise Week!


  1. okay - here goes -
    Bears Graphics - Floral Swirl Banner and business card

    Jacq & Mal - the custom header with the paint brushes in it

    KMarsh Photos - the Custom premade logo!!


You have no idea how much I love to read your comments! Thanks for taking a second and sharing with me :)