
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My first show

A couple of weeks ago, I participated in my first craft show!  It was at The Springer Opera House, a historical landmark here in my town.  Let me just tell ya, it was a LOT of work and even more work because I brought my little munchkin with me, but it was also a lot of fun and a great first time experience.  I wanted to share some pictures with you!

The beautiful Springer Opera House

They are getting ready to show "Patsy Cline" there.  I love Patsy Cline.

I am not barefooted- I have on clear jelly shoes :)  Comfy shoes were a must...and to think I almost wore heels!  For my next show, I will do a little better with the table cloth but I decided two days before the craft show that I was going to do it, so I had to improvise!

A couple of my friends were at the show too.  Caleb loved playing with one of their little girls.

This is how I kept my sanity with Caleb there.  Portable DVD players are my best friend these days.

There ya have it!


  1. That is awesome Kathlyn!!!! It looks like it was a fun day and that Caleb had fun too! He is getting so big! I sure miss you all!!!

  2. What a fun place to hold a craft show. I love that velvet red couch! Congratulations, looks like you had quite a few crafted items, I'm impressed!!

  3. Congratulations on your first show! That's so exciting! :) I'm impressed with your table - that's quite a spread! I hope it was a great success!


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