
Friday, April 16, 2010


We have cows in our back yard.  I like to think we are the mullet home.  You know how they say "business in the front, party in the back"?  Well, our home is city in the front and country in the back- and I quite enjoy having both.  Although now all I can think about is a big mullet wig sitting on my roof...

It is out of focus, but if you look close, this moo moo is the only one with a white head.  Poor thing probably gets made fun of by the other cows.

What's in your back yard?


  1. What a gift to have both~ Great shots~

  2. hehe... At my parents house we have an open field and a lot of times our neighbor puts his cows out there to graze... Of course, they live 20 minutes from the closest "town" it's not big enough to be called a city. Here at our home in the city, our back yard is the rest of the apartment complex, but our front yard is a park! ;) Perfect when you have two kiddos.

  3. Let's see...........I have a pond where I see a pair of geese who have been coming back year after year for their annual spring fling and soon I will see the cutest little goslings for only a few days or weeks until they are unfortunately eaten up by some other creature higher in the food chain.
    Did you know that geese mate for life?

  4. we have Mexicans. No, seriously. Two units down there's a bunch/group/family? of Mexicans. I think they're here legally (when one got arrested a couple of years ago, he got deported), but I see them walking behind my house all the time to La Carreta where they work. (how appropriate?)

  5. He looks so cute next to his neighbors. ;)

    We have a great view of our neighbors' lovely backyards. They probably hate us for our weeds and kids' toys. ;)


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