
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Trial Advertising

I love seeing other peoples cute advertisements on blogs.  The ones that link you back to etsy or to a cute website that sells handmade knicks and knacks, childrens clothes, jewelry or other neat items.  I decided it would be fun to offer a free trial run to my readers this month.  Do you have a shop or item that you would like to advertise?  If you would like to try out the free trial advertising on my blog this month, contact me at  I would put your 125x125  or 150x150 ad button in my left hand column and introduce you in your own blog post. The free trial will last until March 31st. 
These are my two blog button ad's that I use (for a point of reference):

Advertising introduces others to your products and what better way to advertise than on blogs?


1 comment:

  1. Good idea! I'll let a couple ladies I know with etsy shops know and tell them to stop by and check it out!



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