
Thursday, October 22, 2009

I love these days

Caleb just turned 8 months old on Sunday.  I truly can not believe where our time together has gone.  Before I know it, we will be celebrating his 1st birthday.  He is so special to us.  I can't imagine what my days were like before he was a part of our little family.  A couple of days ago, Caleb and I spent some time in his nursery cuddling and kissing.  I love these days where I can nurse my little sweet baby and give him kisses.  He grabs my face in his little hands and burries his mouth into my cheeks.  He stares into my eyes and smiles and just wants to be held and loved...these moments will come and go.  I know that one day he will find another girl that he thinks is sweet and pretty and I will no longer be his "girlfriend", and even though these moments will be gone before I know it, I will always remember them in my heart.  Caleb will always be my sweet, chubby cheeked, baby boy.


  1. How precious! :) These pictures will be such a treasure.

  2. I gave you a blog award make sure you check out my blog and see it!


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