
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Deary Me!

I took a little break. Not really on purpose, just kinda happened. So here I am to tell you where I have been and what I have been doing, I know you all are just dying to know.(Can you hear my sarcasm???)
My mama and sister came last Monday to see us. My birthday was Tuesday and my mama took me out for lunch and my Sethy Poo took me out for dinner and got me a delicious ice cream cake (what a hub!). Then, Seth found out that he could take leave for the 4th of July. We packed up Thursday night and drove all day Friday with my sister and mama back to our hometown. We were only able to stay Saturday and Sunday, and believe me. . .we wanted to stay forever, but all good things must come to an end. We packed up once again and drove back all day Monday. This was a very quick, unplanned trip, but we really enjoyed it. We just wish that Seth's family would hurry up and move to Virginia so we could drive to see them. They live in Texas and we have to fly to see them. The plane ticket prices have been crazy. I have looked as far out as September and it would still be over $700 for us to get plane tickets. I am still watching for a good price though because we would LOVE for Seth's brother and his family to see Caleb for the first time and to see Caleb's Honey and Pops again. . .maybe we will just plant that money tree!
Sidenote- Speaking of money tree, last week my mom and I found a ten dollar bill all ripped into pieces in my front yard. Unfortunately I only found 1/2 of it :( Who would tear up a $10 bill??? Thats 5 McD's iced coffee's!!!
Anyways, back to the story. So we finally made it home after a TERRIBLE drive through West Virginia. The only good thing about West Virginia that I can think of are our friends Lori and JD! (Sorry West Virginia readers, please don't be angry!)
We are back now and trying to get back into the swing of our Kentucky life. Tonight I will go to salsa aerobics. It is one of those things that I dread making myself go to but once I get there I am glad I went. Plus I have 10 pounds of baby weight still hanging onto me and it must go.
So here are some random pictures. It is good to be back home! I hope you all enjoyed your fourth of July. We spent it with my sister and her new husband at their adorable cottage. We ate cheeseburgers on the porch and had apple pie ala mode. Can't find a more American meal than that :) We also got to see fireworks of which Caleb LOVED. Fourth of July is my favorite holiday and it was great to be able to spend it with family!

Caleb decided we were taking too long

so he took charge of the wheel.

I hope my mom is embarrased to see this one!
This was at my birthday dinner. What is she
doing you ask? We may never know.

My mom brought Caleb this exersaucer.
He LOVES it!

Can't wait to look through this magazine.

It was a brithday gift that is perfect for muah!

Okay, and here is my Goodwill find.

I love this pot but what do I do with it?

Any ideas anyone?


  1. Ohhhhhhhh, we soooo wish we could get to see you all!! And might I say, Caleb is turning into quite the round butter ball, LOL! What a cutie!! We miss you guys and are glad you had fun and had a chance to get away for a few days! HOPEFULLY, we will see you soon!!

  2. CrayCray knows what we were doing!

  3. glad you had a great time. :-) Happy late birthday!

    You could always make a "bag" of smelly stuff (lol can't think of how to spell it and spell check isn't helping) or it stuffed with cotton to hide inside it. Where you can lift it out and put oils on it when it needs it. Maybe you could then hang a bunch of cool looking branches with homemade ornaments on them.


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