
Friday, June 19, 2009

Free Bee Fab Fri Surprise for me?!?!?

I was checking my google analytics and came across this website. Needless to say, I am quite shocked to come across an article about my little peacocks on a random website, but very thrilled nonetheless! This is what I happened upon:

Peacock Mugs - Hand-Painted Paula Kathlyn Dishes Let You Drink Your Coffee With Pride (GALLERY)
Peacock Mugs - Hand-Painted Paula Kathlyn Dishes Let You Drink Your Coffee With Pride (GALLERY)

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  1. That is awesome! And I absolutely love your peacocks, and how you keep them consistently drawn time after time. Do you use a paint pen or something similar?

  2. that's SOOOOO AWESOME hun!!! CONGRATSSSS!!!!


You have no idea how much I love to read your comments! Thanks for taking a second and sharing with me :)