
Sunday, May 10, 2009

You guessed it. . . HMD!!!

Every year I have sat in church and listened to the Mothers Day message. This year, as I listened, it took on a whole new meaning. You really never understand the mind of a mother until you are one yourself. The pastor was talking about how there are plenty of good mothers but not near enough Godly mothers. He told us that no matter what, you should never give up on your children and never ever stop praying for them. I pray for my little Caleb every day. I am already praying that he will have a heart that longs to serve God and that he will strive to always do the right thing. This is my first mothers day, and many of yours as well. I wish you all a great day and a great year full of sleep (yeah right!) and joy (that one is easier to achieve) and many days filled with smiles and kisses from your children :)

1 comment:

  1. I wondered how this Mother's Day would hit you. My first real one was eye opening as well as my first Christmas being pregnant and my first Christmas with a baby. Hearing about Mary felt like a brand new story to me.


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