
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mirror Mirror on the wall. . .

Everytime we hold Caleb up to the mirror, he laughs at himself! He must think he is pretty cute too :) Excuse the smear marks, Caleb enjoys pushing his nose against the glass, hehe.


  1. that is so adorable, Kathlyn!

  2. hahah, I think ALL babies think they are some HOT stuff when they see themselves in the mirror, LOL. SOO cute!!

  3. Too Cute!!! Makes me excited for our little man to get here!!

  4. That is priceless! What a cutie! Josh and I watched and just giggled out loud at him!

  5. I saw your comment on my blog the other day and thought I would comment back. Chloe will be 4 months old on June 5th. Your video of Caleb is so adorable, Chloe hasn't started doing that yet, but I can't wait til she is giggling.
    Thanks so much for the comment

  6. Oh my goodness this is too cute!! He's such a cute little charmer! Even HE knows it!! I loved at the end where you said to say Goodbye and he looked at the camera and made that baby talk like saying Bye!!


You have no idea how much I love to read your comments! Thanks for taking a second and sharing with me :)