
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Einstein to the rescue

My friend Lori let me borrow her Einstein movies and Caleb just happens to love them!!! That's 30 minutes of time for me and entertainment for him :) Here he is getting all excited about his new found love.


  1. Melinda liked Baby Einstein too...Once Olivia can support her head better I'll start her on them too :) They are awesome

  2. C never really watched then when she was little never had the attention span, LOL, I'm kind of glad actually, LOL. She watches Little Einsteins now and LOVES it. I only let her watch once in a while.

  3. Ty has been hooked on Einstein since he was 3 months old! He LOVES it and will watch it forever! It is awesome for me so I can get some much needed time to get things done around the house! I think it is great for you that he likes it so much!

  4. Thats either the Shakespeare one or the Van Goat one, right? They were a hit with Erich. Summer seems to be into SpongeBob and Elmo.

  5. hi. i just found your site and was going to let you know that i'm giving away five military support bracelets on, if you are interested :)


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