
Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Here is a local picture I found on our news website. Icy!

We are stuck in our house!!! We havent gone anywhere since we got back from the hospital Monday morning at 4am. It snowed Sunday night and since Seth was sick, we didn't attempt getting out on Monday. Then, Monday night we got a layer of ice on top of the snow. I can't even walk outside! It is pure ice. The 4WD truck next door was sliding all over trying to get out of our neighborhood. Infact, they have even closed base for today because we now have another layer of snow on top of the ice, on top of the snow!!! I don't think I am going to make it to my 38 week check up this week. Oh well. I am having no signs of labor anyways so I will just keep praying that things stay that way at least till Sunday when it is supposed to be in the mid 40's. A ton of people have lost power, but thankfully we haven't! Craziness around here. Although it has been fun that Seth has had the whole week off so far. We are getting everything ready fot the baby. We even packed up the diaper bag to take with us! Btw, what should be on my checklist for my suitcase and the baby's diaper bag??? Your lists will be greatly appreciated, especially since a lot of you have little babies and you just went through what I am about to! Stay warm!!!


  1. Wow Kathlyn! Lee and I always called that kind of weather "baby making weather" but it looks like you and Seth already took care of that, lol! Take advantage of being snowed in, enjoy the down time together and get lots of rest...and catch up on Lost! Luv ya!

  2. Yikes...I found myself wishing we would get that weather so I could get out of work today lol...but all we got was a tad bit of snow and after seeing that picture I am sure glad thats all we got! Love you!

  3. OH MY LANTA! In a crazy kinda way, I wish we could have that weather! Such a cool picture!

  4. No snow or ice here in NC, but my dad is on his way to restore power to some who have lost it in Kentucky!
    As far as the bag goes, clothes that will fit after you have him, clothes for his pic in the hospital if they have those, then sleepers for him, and pj's for you.
    Also, tennis balls. I know it sounds weird, but I had back labor, and it really helped when they massaged my back with the tennis balls that they put inside a pair of socks. Since you never know what to expect, it doesn't hurt to be prepared! LOL!
    Hope all goes well for you and the ice disappears before little baby Wade makes his arrival!

  5. OMG...the light bulb in my head just went off....about my comment earlier "baby making weather". Maybe that's why I always got pregnant in January/February!!!! LOL!!!

  6. OMG 38 weeks?! Already?!! Where has the time gone!?! I bet you're getting antsy!! heheh.

  7. I think that you got the weather that we had. We have not lost power as we mostly got snow.

  8. Joey's list is very accurate! Go by that! :-) Except IACH doesn't do newborn baby pictures. :-(

  9. Wow, boy do I feel like an ass after all my complaining about the cold. No snow or ice for us just cold and I was complaining. Hope you guys stay warm and start to thaw out. Ice is NEVER fun. Stay safe.


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