
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Spin me right round

Soooo, I learned something new today, perhaps some of you are smarty tarty's and already know this, but I did not. You know how the Reynolds wrap and cling wrap sometimes are hard to tear out of the package? It falls out and you can't get it torn off and then you get frustrated and kick and stomp and cry and pull your hair out and throw a fit and your head feels like it is going to explode. . .okay maybe I am exaggerating a bit. Well, if you go get your packages and look on the sides, there are two places that you can push in to hold the wrap in place! I tried it with mine and it is like a completely new experience. Tell me what you think.


  1. I knew that, but I still HATE plastic wrap!! I ALWAYS get it stuck together and then I get made and put foil on it, lol.

  2. Wow! I had no idea either. I actually just the other day dropped the whole roll of reynolds wrap on the floor because it wouldn't stay in the box! Now I can do it the right way and that will never happen again!

  3. I knew that, but will admit that it took a couple packages of dropped plastic wrap before I noticed it. LOL


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