
Sunday, December 28, 2008

Celebrity Morph by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Celebrity Morph - Family search - Pedigree

This is pretty cool. Just something to do if you are ever in need :)


  1. I did graduate with Sarah May. You were 2 years behind me? Donna didn't graduate with us?! I am so confused! This whole time I thought otherwise...
    Didn't Donna date someone in my class? Maybe that's why I thought it.
    Love the morph! Haha, you are so gorgeous as always!

  2. huh? I would've said more Shania Twain then Tiff. Now my neighbor doesn't need any morphing, i'll post a photo of her soon!


You have no idea how much I love to read your comments! Thanks for taking a second and sharing with me :)