
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Old School Surprise

My mom sent me these pics last night. This was me and my sister and brother for a few years of Halloween growing up. Can you tell which one I am? I think they are funny and I thought I would share :)


  1. Oh my goodness, you all are too cute!!! I love those pics!

    We went to Severns Valley this morning...the traditional service. Were you there? I wanted to call you, but we weren't sure whether we were going to make it or not. We liked it, but we are going to attempt to go to the early service next weekend. Maybe we can meet up next Sunday if you go (and if we both can get our bottoms out of bed early)?

  2. Those pictures are great! BTW I love the crock pot too! I just never know what to cook in it! Hope your dinner is a hit...and I would so totally go get you a hashbrown if I was there!! Miss ya!


You have no idea how much I love to read your comments! Thanks for taking a second and sharing with me :)