
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I forgot. . .

Okay, first things first. I forgot to say that I finished my first graduate class and I passed! Infact I got a 90% on my final paper, which I truly thought I was going to get an F on (okay, I am bragging on myself, but you have no idea how many hours I devoted to that daggone paper!!!). God is very good to me and Seth, and we don't even deserve it. Also, my last wisdom tooth is making its entrance (and that is very important to update you all on!)

Secondly, I LOVE BILL O REILLY!!! He rocks. He was on the view today and really got Joy's goat. It is about time because I am so tired of her and Barbara and Woopie being bullies to Elizabeth. They will only like you if you agree with their extrememly liberal "views". So Bill O' Reilly is my hero today. And please don't forget to vote. . . for McCain!


  1. I too love Bill O'Reilly! I wish I would've known he was on the view so I could've seen Joy being annoyed! Congrats on your score!!

  2. Kathlyn, I love Bill too! I have watched him for years and actually have read 2 of his books. I like that he doesnt take crap! And Congrats on your job! You will be so good at it too since you are really great with kids.

  3. Bill is great. If just half of the people in the USA had as much sense as he does, we wouldn't be in this mess. We get FOXX here in Costa Rica and I love watching his show. And yes, I voted for McCain. Absentee ballot that will very likely not get there on time since it didn't get here on time. No surprise there. Most of us on the mission field, being for McCain, did not get our ballots on time. Interesting, isn't it! Well, I voted and that's what counts. Enjoyed visiting your blog today. Blessings from Costa Rica


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