
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Halloweeny Costumes, if you are out of ideas!!!

A few days ago on one of my favorite blogs, I found this post on how to make this huge, creepy eyeball. How weird is this? You always see the princess or the indian running around, but what about making your child this unique eyeball costume? I LOVE it!!! Joey, this looks like something Erich Dteven would wear (haha).

THEN (it gets even better!!!). . . today on Martha there was the cutest, cheapest, easiest costume ideas made from hoodies. ANYONE can do them. They just require material, trim and glue! No sewing required. If you forgot about your childs costume, need a costume yourself, or don't have money to spend on a costume, try one of these. I think I may just make Seth and I one :)


  1. I love that eyeball costume!! It reminds me of monsters inc! Miss you!

  2. I think that eyeball looks creepy...yuck! This year I had to bar princesses from the choices for the girls. They have been princesses or ballerinas every year! We are going to do something different, I just hope they don't want to be an eyeball, haha!

  3. I looked at those directions. EASY my Aunt Fannie! Way to many materials and I lost interest less then halfway down while reading the instructions.


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