
Friday, September 12, 2008

flashback friday

The good ol' days. . .

Wait. . . were we born yet??? :)


  1. Oh my gosh, Kathlyn, that is too funny! Tell Seth I think the mullet suits him, haha!!

  2. That's exactly what I was thinking, were they born yet? I was! And I have to say none of those pictures look as bad as you, probably, think. You and your husband are both very good looking but my favorite one is you with the "fro". To use an expression from back then you looked "far out." Haha have a great day.:)

  3. Kathlyn,

    It ocurred to me that you may not be familiar with the expression "far out." Well, that meant that something was about as good as it could get. So have a "far out" weekend.

  4. I was not a "far out" child, but I was a "totally awesome" one. I loved the mullet back then.


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