
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Excitement in the air plus one chameleon ;P

photo from

So, in 2 hours there will officially be 9 days until Seth returns to me!!! Can you believe it? Only 9 more days!!! I feel like he has been gone for a good long while, haha, that's probably because he has been gone for a good long while. He left May 9. But we have been apart for longer than this before. You just have to be a chameleon and adapt to whatever your environment is. That's what I will call myself, "Kathlyn the Chameleon." How does it sound? dumb.


  1. Kat,

    I completely agree. Only 9 more days until Scott comes home as well and then he is off to EOBC. At least his EOBC is right here at home.

  2. So glad to hear you and Seth will be reunited soon! Let me know when you get to Knox...we'll have to get together! I answered your questions on my blog...I just now saw them. :-)

  3. That is great that there is only 9 more days. Woo Hoo!

  4. Young love how sweet, I think I'm gonna "ralph". Hee Hee

    I am happy for the two of you! But where in the world is little Barbie going?


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