
Sunday, May 11, 2008

thank you thank you

Hello again everyone.  Thank you all for praying for Seth, he made it to Oklahoma safely :)  Things around here are pretty busy so I haven't even given myself too much of an opportunity to think about him being gone.  My brothers birthday was Thursday, happy birthday Seth!  My sister and her fiance graduated college yesterday, congratulations Donna and Phil, and a few other events have taken place in between the two.  Tuesday I am leaving to go visit Seth's parents who live on the beach and have a pool in their back yard!  I am very excited :)  Also, today is mothers day so I hope you don't forget to tell your mama you love her.  I happen to have a great mom. She can do anything, seriously, well except fly, although she may do that when we all leave the house, I am not sure.  One day when I have kids I will realize just how much work she has put into all of us.  I had a dream last night that I was at the store getting a gift together for someone.  One of my teachers from high school saw what I was putting together and she said, "After seeing how creative your mom is with gifts, yours has really disappointed me."   Isn't that funny?  My mom is just that creative, I can never compete with her, even in my dreams!  I really want to post a picture of one of the things I got her, but I will wait until after I give it to her. This year is also my first year of having a mother-in-law, so happy mothers day!  And to all of you mothers out there, I hope today is a wonderful day for you!


  1. I love how your Mom taught you how to be creative to a whole new generation!!!

    Oh! How I look forward to the day we are stationed nearby so you teach me all kinds of things!!!

    Happy Mother's Day to you too Girl cause you are Barbie's Mom!!

  2. I'm sure there are some who would say, "I thought all witches could fly",


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