You HAVE to read this book, it's at Target or online several places. If I was rich I would buy one for everyone, it is really that good!
"Nothing of eternal importance is ever accomplished aside from prayer." This day, last year, my hero Dr. Jerry Falwell passed away. On Sunday I bought his wife, Macel's, book "Jerry Falwell, his life and legacy." Through this book I have learned things about Dr. Falwell I would never have imagined. This man with such vision and vigor, had days of discouragement like all the rest of us, but one thing he never lost was his faith in God. He had a family of which he loved completely, even cancelling a date at the White House when he realized it was scheduled on his sons birthday. The media has always made him out to a "hatemonger," but if you read this book you will realize how wrong they all were. The greatest part about Dr. Falwell is that he didn't care how much others drove his name into the ground or lied about him. The only thing he cared about was sharing God's love and plan of salvation to everyone. What a lot of people also didnt realize was that Dr. Falwell didnt hate anyone. He hated their sin but loved them. Gays, lesbians, murderers, thieves. He didn't think one sin was any worse than another but he believed sin was sin and it was wrong, but he loved the sinners with all his heart, afterall they were his passion and his mission. When he was invited to be a guest speaker on international talk shows, such as Larry King or Phil Donahue, he almost never turned them down and even though they were on opposite ends of moral issues, Dr Falwell was great friends with these men when the cameras weren't rolling. Once he was a guest on the Politically Incorrect show with Bill Maher and his son, Jonathan, went with him. Jonathan could not believe how horrible Bill Maher treated his dad on and off air. When Jonathan asked his dad why he put up with people demeaning him like that, Dr. Falwell said, "Jonathan, what you say is true but I just preached the gospel to millions of people tonight, and Bill Maher paid for it." There were times that people would throw pies in Dr. Falwells face and when he didnt have time to duck he would laugh and take a taste of pie and keep on talking :) Dr Falwell did not come from a family that was considered christian, but God used his childhood and his hard working ethic to grow Dr. Falwells ministry. This man believed in prayer to its ultimate extent. There were times when he fasted for 40 days, praying for a miracle, and God heard his prayers. This man accomplished extraordinary, eternal goals. He started Liberty University, the largest evangelical school in the country. He started Lynchburg Christian Academy and he was pastor at Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Virginia. Now his sons, Jerry Jr and Jonathan have taken his place as school chancellor and pastor. The school and church are still growing and Dr. Falwell's favorite thing to say, "Nothing of eternal importance is ever accomplished aside from prayer" has proved true time and time again. Even though his body is no longer here, his God still reigns and thousands of people are coming to know Christ everyday because of Dr. Falwells hard work and sacrifice. Thank you Dr. Falwell for your challenge to the rest of us and for never losing your vision for the lost or your faith in Christ.
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