This is my family. My mom has a nursing degree but is mostly interested in all kinds of crafts and sewing and is the reason why I am interested in arts and crafts. My dad is a timber consultant and owns his own business. My older sister is a special education teacher and my brother is a bluegrass fanatic and graduates from highschool in a few weeks.

Here is Seth's family, minus the oldest brother. Seth's mom is a school teacher and his dad works at an oil refinery. The brother in this picture is in the Marines and the other brother is also in the Army. Seth's little sister is in school right now majoring in fashion and interior merchandising (the same as what I did!). His brothers are married and have wonderful families.
We have such goodlooking families! Yours and seths kids are gonna be the prettiest of them all!! :-D
Beautiful families! Looks like you are very blessed! Totally see why you got approached to do the modeling thing! :-)
so nice to meet you kathlyn. where are you guys right now? and i'm assuming you're going to be stationed in the middle of nowhere fort irwin right? i had totally forgotten that i had put my blog on that lds womens thing. and airbourne school is at bennning right? i am in the home of the 82 airbourne, and boy are they proud of it!! tell him good luck jumping out.
we are army. and really, there isn't anything at fort irwin. i'm native so cal girl, and there isn't anything. right now we're at fort bragg in NC. but i have known people that have been to fort irwin. the closest city is barstow, and they have amazing outlets there, but not much else. you're about 3 or so hours from LA (maybe if you drove really fast) and thats pretty much it. have you been to armyonestop? how long have you been in? have you looked up the fort irwin website?
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