After looking through several other blogs, I noticed that pictures looked better on white backgrounds, and since mine was army green, I decided to change it up a little bit, just an fyi.
And now for the results of the "Where would you like to spend a day?" poll. . .drum roll please. . . with 9 votes you guys said that you would most like to spend a free day on a tropical island with a good book, fruit smoothie and lounge chair. . . if I could only get there today! A new poll is up, so don't forget to vote :)
In other news, the army movers are coming this afternoon for a pre-move evaluation. I am so glad Seth and I skipped the deep cleaning session this weekend because now the movers can see my wonderful home in all its glory. I hope that they tell us they can move us in one day, otherwise I am pushing having to miss Seth's airborne graduation which is the next day, which I really really don't want to do. Seth also has decided to fly to Bolc II instead of drive there, so the other night we purchased a ticket. The next morning I woke up and realized that we bought the ticket on the same day of my sisters graduation! Why are we always doing stuff like that? We should have known better than to buy a ticket right before we fell asleep. We did work it out though; I can drive him to the airport and still make it to my sisters graduation, Seth will just have to spend a couple extra hours waiting around but oh well! That concludes Wednesdays news, only two more days of work and then the real confusion begins :)
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