Today is the all miserable cleaning day. Thankfully, Seth is a go getter when it comes to cleaning so if I take care of the kitchen and bathrooms (which he hates), then he takes care of the vacuuming, dusting and straightening (which I hate). So it works out rather nicely, just as long as he is here to help. We got absolutely nothing done yesterday, except I did manage to get him to watch Enchanted with me, hahaha. Of course I thought it was adorable, his words were a little bit different than mine but it was cute. We were babysitting for a friend of mine whose husband was competing in the best ranger competition! Hard core, seriously. She invited us over for dinner Friday night so I am really looking forward to that. I also got to go the park and talk to my friend for a little while. She and her two girls just moved down here, just in time for Seth and I to leave, lol, but we just all have to get used to that kind of thing. It was a lot of fun though. Last night was also dessert night for us. We had Brusters thin mint ice cream (yumm!) and a half baked cookie (yumm!). Seth got sick b/c he ate too much, lol. He is okay now but I couldnt help but laugh a little bit because he typically will do that, especially if it is something sweet and since we have been having only Saturdays as our dessert day, it's kind of like if you dont eat what you want now you'll have to wait another week, hence the overindulgence. Anyways, that was our weekend. Hope yours was just as fun, haha.
i have no idea why the word "cleaning" is highlighted, but it emphasizes it even more!