
Monday, January 14, 2013


Part of me is a little sad to be leaving this actual blog home but a much larger part of me is SUPER DUPER ECSTATIC to be moving my blog to a new site!!!

I think blogger is an awesome blog platform, but I have made the personal decision to move over to a new platform. I will be leaving this blog up and running so you can check out all the past posts whenever you'd like but all new blog posting from here on will be posted on

Sooo, please please pretty pretty please follow me over???!!!

I'm on my knees....begging :)
Okay, maybe I'm not actually on my knees, but I am begging.

I have everything set up so you can subscribe in google reader, by email, or pretty much any other way you'd like!

Thanks for all your loyal support.  I have truly enjoyed getting to know each of you and can't wait to see you over at my new site.  I'm taking it up a few notches and I have TONS of great posts lined up!!!

See ya over there!!!!!!